
Sometimes I'm too nice for my own good. One of the guys at work needed Sunday off cuz Saturday is his anniversary and Monday is his wifes birthday. So to save him from the holy hell of a pissed off pregnant woman, I said I would work for him. Nice of me but incredibly stupid of me... Sunday was supposed to consist of 2 jobs both of which were pretty small, now it has 3 jobs one of which will take at least 3 hours to do.

Last time I said I would work for someone I ended up sliding 23 feet down the top of a tent, flying 6 feet out from the side of the tent and almost impaling myself on a stake. I swear I'm just a glutton for punishment.

Classes are going well so far, and this coming week all of my language classes begin. So I'll work from 7am to 4pm and then go to class from 5:30 to 8ish on Tuesday and Wednesday. No incredibly cute guys in my classes so far but I have high hopes for my night classes and there are loads of hunks walking the halls during the day so I'm pretty happy there.

Well thats all I've got for right now,




Ok, I know I've been absolute shit at doing this, and I'm not going to make any excuses as to why I haven't been posting. Cuz lets face it we all know that when someone says they've been "extremely busy" it just means they've been too lazy or too busy wanking it to take the time to post something.

Sadly both of those reasons are probably true in my case. It also comes down to me not thinking I have anything interesting to say, even though I know anyone who still reads this blog would be happy with a simple update. Starting now, as a 22nd birthday resolution, I'm going to try and post something at least once a week even if its just a "hey this week sucked at work" post.

Ok, so whats happened since my last post... well at work I've moved into the office since both of the girls that were in there quit. This is good because I can have a full time job while going to school, which means I might be able to save up enough money to get my own apartment. Speaking of school, its started again which I'm quite happy about. I have 3 night classes and 2 day ones, so I'm in class all day Monday and I can all day the rest of the week.

In July, I flew to Texas for my friends birthday and I'm definitely thinking that I'll need to make that a biannual event. In June, my cousin got married and all but 3 of our extended family was at the wedding. It was a ton of fun seeing most of my cousins and hanging out with them, the only problem with the wedding was the dj was absolute shit, so we ended up going back to the hotel at like 11. In August, I worked and thats about it. Septembers barely started, so who knows whats going to happen, but tomorrows my birthday and I'm definitely thinking that a tattoo is in order for my gift to myself.

Thats about all I have at the moment so...

Love and loads of hugs,



Viva Italia!

What would it take for me to marry a footballer???

PS: Ghana? Really USA team? Argentina, Spain or Brazil I totally understand but GHANA???


Got home today from my cousins wedding. Surprisingly there was only one blowout with my mother, I say surprisingly because when the two of us are in close quarters for more than a day we're normally about to tear each others throats out.

I know I shouldn't have even bothered to say anything but she was taking peoples place cards off the entrance table and putting them where they were supposed to go... I went up to her and asked her how the people were supposed to find where they were going to sit. She told me to shut up and leave her alone, which was a very excessive response considering the innocence of my question. Needless to say it pissed me off and it got a little out of hand, ultimately resulting in my mother's 3rd threat this year to throw me out of the house cuz of my "constant criticism" of her.

Other than that the wedding was nice, the food was really good and it was great seeing all my uncles, including the uncle and one of my cousins from Nevada and they haven't been able to visit for at least ten years. The DJ was awful everything was 80's music and slow dance stuff... one of my cousins started to heckle him but I don't think he noticed. The worst part was that my uncle told him to follow the requests and not any playlists he might have, but he played maybe 2 of the requests. So we left the dance portion of the reception pretty early.

In a little over 2 weeks, on the 11th, I'm flying to Texas! It'll be great to see Eric again and spend his 21st birthday with him. It'll also be great to get away from home and work for a while.


I'm 21 years old and I might as well just shave my head cuz where my cowlicks theres very little hair left... SO long story short I might be bald by the end of the week. I blame my mother cuz the bald gene is a X chromosome.

I start work tomorrow, yay... not. Get ready for posts with me bitching about how stupid people are!!!


Only a week left of school!!!

Oh I forgot to mention that I had to take my piercings out... I couldn't figure out a way to do my job and keep them in at the same time... so I decided that rather than having them rip out and make me scream like a little girl the first time I pick something super heavy up, I'd take them out and let them heal. I need to find a new way to be uniquely bizarre...

I've decided that in July I'm going to go to Texas and visit Eric for his 21st birthday (I've talked about him in a previous post or two). I haven't seen him in like a year and a half and I've missed him like crazy. He's one of the few people who fully understands that nine times out of ten when I say something it's meant as sarcasm cuz he's the same way.

Oh for anyone who hasn't checked out Torchy's blog he got himself a fondle and we should all be crazy happy for him! Go congratulate him!



PS: thanks to Sethy's surprisingly disturbing and disgusting comment I feel the need to state that there is no strange infection and there will be no gangrenous migration to any other part of my body.


Am I the only person who feels that after a certain number of "homo-centric" adult films, the actors who are "straight" can no longer subscribe to that definition?

What brings this question to my mind is Corbin Fischer. It's quite possibly my favorite... ahem... form of entertainment, but they sit there and label all of their models as straight or bi-curious. Now this confuses me, these guys have had more sex with more guys than (I'm assuming) most of the people reading my blog... how many times do you have to have sex with another man before you can be called clinically gay or bi? I mean, these guys are obviously turned on by what's going on so I'm of a strong opinion that they're no longer entirely "straight."

But anyway thats my rant for the day.

In other news, only 3ish more weeks of school!!! WOO! Then its time to start the summer job and get all toned up and tan again. Cuz ya see, after 8 months of cold and snow, I lose my clearly defined four pack (I just can't seem to get those last 2 abs to show) and it turns to just a smooth stomach, and I'm ridiculously pale. So as much as I hate the job by the end of summer I love what it does for me.

Last weekend was my nieces baptism, and it was only slightly awkward. It was held at an ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church of America) church, so the service was weird to me. I'm the godfather my sister was one of the godmothers and her two sisters were the others. See now this is where it gets confusing... My sisters are technically half-sisters from my mothers first marriage and the other two godmothers are from her ex-husbands second marriage. So things were just a bit tense between the families since my mother and his wife don't get along (to put it nicely.)

And now for my new jam of the past few weeks! I first heard it as I was driving to Chicago to help my sister move into her new apartment in Milwaukee and I fell in love with it. It's called Sweet Disposition by The Temper Trap. The video is from 500 Day of Summer, which I've heard is a great movie but I haven't actually seen it yet.


That the song Happy Birthday was bought by Warner Brothers from the man who wrote the lyrics for 1 billion dollars?

Well get ready to pay Warner Brother's a small stipend BECAUSE...

This blog is now 1 year old!!! HOORAY!

Who would have thought that I could make it a whole year blathering on about the inane happenings of my life? I find it interesting that at the beginning I posted uber regularly, and now... well not so much. While I may not post as much as I used to I still read everybody else's blogs.

Und jetzt Schatzen!

For putting up with me as long as you have. MAN CANDY!

Matt_01 by ~SilkKiss on deviantART

The Boys - Suit Gone by *FuzzyYak on deviantART

BEEFCAKE CODY 4 by ~jaescott30 on deviantART


I've been considering coming out to more people. Well by considering I mean thinking to myself, "Why the fuck am I hiding who I am from the people who know me?" I mean if they decide that they don't want to be my friend just because I'm gay they can jump off a bridge and die.

But more to the point, why the hell do we have to come out in the first place why should anyone else care if I like guys? Straight guys don't have to tell their parents that they like girls do they? They don't have to sit down and have a tear filled conversation or a screaming match with their parents.

I hate to say it but the most recent occurrence of me wanting to come out, was the other night when my mother was having a go at me. I know that would have been the worst time EVER to come out to my parents, only resulting in more screaming, but all I could think about was just screaming "you know whats even better? YOU HAVE A QUEER FOR A SON!" But I held my tongue and didn't do anything rash.

I have a feeling that one day it will just build up and I'll just go on Facebook and tell everyone the truth. Get it over with in the quickest way possible and then just let all the haters bash away, and you know that those will be the first ones that I unfriend if they don't do it to me first. I can just see the look on all the football jocks faces who got their kicks by calling me a fag and queer in high school when they find out they were right.

Anywho, 6 days and my blog is 1 year old!




I haven't blogged in two weeks :( I've just had nothing going on. I go to school, I come home and read or listen to music or play video games. Same routine every day, the only time it changes is when my sister brings my niece over.

I could start running outside for a little variation, it's been 40+ degrees the past few days and its pretty amazing.

Oh wait I do have something to talk about, I saw Alice in Wonderland last night! It was amazing, such crazy graphics and characters! It was like a drug trip with out the potential for a conviction or the nasty after affects.

In 15 days its this blogs first birthday!




This was in an article on living longer and anti-aging techniques. This will be paraphrased cuz I'm too lazy to type out the whole article.

Slowing Aging... With Semen

Austrian researchers believe that a compound, known as spermadine, in human semen has a major effect on life span. It increases the life span of fruit flies by 30%, worms by 15%, and increases human cell life with 3 times as many immune cells living after 12 days compared to a untreated batch.

Now back to my witty repartee. This study essentially shows that every gay man should live longer, if they don't spit that is. I love stuff like this, I really want to know who thought to look in semen for an anti-aging material. I mean, I knew that there were fluids in semen that are meant to keep sperm cells alive in that evil place in a girls pants, but who would have considered alternate uses for it. Aek you should look into it and get some confirmation for me!


The baby is here!!!

It's a girl and she was c sectioned out at 6ish!

That is all.




I'm watching the Vancouver opening ceremony as I type this and I've got to say its freaking amazing!

But it doesn't come close to the my first remembered Olympic experience. The first time I was allowed to stay up far past my bed time was to watch the 1994 Lillehammer closing ceremony. I was 6 at the time so staying up till 10-11pm was a HUGE deal for me and the scope of the closing ceremony to me at that time was incredible. Hundreds of people running around in sync jumping in and out of the snow battling the evil dwarfs, and I think even fighting a dragon (I could be wrong, I was 6)

I've loved the Olympics since then and I watch as much of it as I can, even the "boring" stuff like ping pong or the grossly over muscled weightlifters. I love it all!

The eye candy athletes don't hurt either (the summer Olympics are better for that tho... not so many layers.)




No baby yet...

My sister went in at 7am this morning they induced her and at 7pm she was still only 1cm dilated so they sent her home and shes gotta try again on Monday.

Super UGH! I just want this baby to happen!

Started Japanese tonight, it'll be interesting. On the plus side theres a super cute boy in my class, don't know if hes gay but at least I'll have eye candy! German was last night, that will be my second favorite language after Spanish. Spanish is great for conversations but German is quite possibly the best language to be pissed off at someone in.




Well, my sister will be induced on the 9th, so sometime next week Tuesday I should be an uncle. She has decided that she'll try the first week by herself at home and if she gets really down she'll stay with us. (Funny thing this... when I'm depressed I don't really tell anyone.)

On this Friday I'm going down to Milwaukee to visit my friends! I haven't seen them in like 4 months so I'm pretty happy. Also I get to go to the baptism of my friends baby, these two friends just happen to be the same friends after who's wedding I was in a car accident. I just happen to not remember this accident due to a mild concussion... Either way the baby is freaking adorable and there will be cake! I love cake!!!

I'm getting really fed up with the Straight/Gay Alliance my school has... They keep volunteering me for stuff that I don't really want to do (one of my pet peeves.) I also seem to have been promoted to a position of authority, since I'm the only one with balls enough to challenge the lezzie president. Plus the faculty advisor keeps trying to change my religious beliefs, I didn't join to be converted to a new religion.

My main problem though is that we never do anything entertaining, since I've joined all we've done is go to meetings. I've brought this up a couple times in the meetings and while I get support from the group, I'm the only one who's willing to do the work for it. I can't be an activist all the time, I'm 21 years old and I need to associate with cute boys and have fun! But its not a dating club (not what I want I just want to get to KNOW people not have random sex) its a social awareness group which means for every gay rights event we have to be there, we're not supposed to shop at stores that do not support gay rights, we are only to eat gay friendly foods and have to do the happy homo dance every time theres a rainbow (now I'm just being ridiculous but you catch my drift.)

Classes are going well, I start German and Japanese next week. Arabic was canceled cuz there were only 2 people that signed up for the class... that's where the Japanese comes in. My abnormal psychology class is really interesting, I now know why I'm insane! It's amazing how fast the cycle of procrastination sets in, I've only been in classes for 3 weeks, I only have said classes on Thursdays and Fridays, and I do my homework either the night before or in the 3-4 hours before class.

PS: I've noticed like 6 of my newer followers are boy porn advocates. If this is the case please stop following me, I don't not approve of that nor do I want my blog to be associated with anything to do with that industry. Children are meant to be loved and cherished not exploited for some sick fantasy. Seriously.


50 Random things I love and hate, to celebrate my 150th post (which was the post before this one).

1. I love Malibu and cranberry! It's my new favorite drink!
2. I hate slush, snows fine rains fine but the mix of the two is disgusting.
3. I love the feeling when you crawl into bed and the sheets seem super soft.
4. I hate chunks of tomato in anything.
5. I love chicken fried rice.
6. I hate when lines take forever cuz some old lady is counting out change to pay.
7. I love $7 skinny jeans after christmas clearance is the best!
8. I hate when you cant find the size you need, especially in $7 skinny jeans (I only found 2 pairs.)
9. I love Top Gear.
10. I hate when people think I know/care about the finer details of the automobile.
11. I love soccer.
12. Watching soccer on TV makes me want to bash my skull against a very sharp object.
13. I love a good book.
14. I hate a good book that takes the first 15 chapters to become good.
15. I love music and my collection is very eclectic.
16. I hate posing for pictures.
17. I love when a cute boy doesn't realize that hes cute.
18. I hate when a cute boy knows hes cute and thinks hes the shit because his genetics were nice to him.
19. I love when conversations are easy.
20. I hate when it's easier to pull your own teeth out than carry on a chat with someone
21. I love acceleration roller coasters, cars, airplanes all fun.
22. I hate old roller coasters though, I get screaming head aches when they jostle me around
23. I love large bills, I feel special when I have a $50 or $100 bill in my wallet.
24. I hate when I have 17 $1 bills in my wallet and if feels like I'm sitting on a rock.
25. I love accents.
26. I hate drives that are over an hour away.
27. I loved kindergarten, 3 hour school days are the best idea ever.
28. I hate getting sick.
29. I love snow days.
30. I hate cleaning my room.
31. I love that feeling when you stand up to fast and it feels like your heads going to float off.
32. I hate when that feeling goes to far and you pass out. (only happened once)
33. I love a hot shower.
34. I hate when I miss a spot when I shave.
35. I love grandparents say unexpected things, like sex. No grandparent should ever talk about sex when grandchildren are present.
36. I hate when I crave salt and sweet in consecutive cycles.
37. I love how in musicals everyone knows the dance moves.
38. I hate how that can't happen in real life.
39. I love cooking.
40. I hate the feeling when you have to cut through raw meat.
41. I love shopping, when it's for me.
42. I hate shopping for my mother, cuz god knows she can't pick out a decent outfit...
43. I love when I know something for a class and I haven't studied it before.
44. I hate when I can't think of a word when I know I know it. Like I couldn't think of the word cashew the other day...
45. I love the randomness of my friends.
46. I hate when a movie looks really good and it ends up being crap.
47. I love the word gestalt.
48. I hate taking medicine.
49. I love being skinny.
50. I hate being volunteered for things that you don't want to do.

and now to not leave on a negative.

51. I LOVE ALL OF YOU GUYS!!! Without you there would be no Drew, no blog, and no one to ramble all the insane thoughts that flit through my head at.




If my sister accepts my mother is considering giving her my bed for the time she's at our house. Which puts me in the "guest room/middle sisters room." Oh wait the baby will probably be in that room...which means I'm stuck on the couch or going over to my grandparents and sleeping there. And who knows whats going to happen when middle sister comes...

At least according to mothers machinations.

Dad on the other hand is about as excited as I am about this situation.

I'm extremely pissed that my mother would just assume that I would happily give up the bed that I had to fight for just to get.

But what do I say to her? "No mom, I don't want Amanda to come and stay with us when she could be so depressed that she can't take care of the baby." This would just make me seem like a giant douche, since I'm supposed to be the caring younger brother.

Still smiling and nodding....



As most of you know my oldest sister is pregnant. Yay, moms gonna be a grandma and I'll be an uncle!...

Now, for reasons that I'm not comfortable going into, my waste of atomic mass brother in law is... shall we say detained and will remain so for the first month of this babies life. So last week my mother offered for her to stay at our house in case she went into labor early. She declined (to my releif) because her nephew is living at her house.

Tonight my mother goes, "You know how you get the baby blues after birth? Well I'm going to offer to let your sister stay at our house, cuz she knows how hard I had it after you were born." I of course put on a smile and say I'm fine with it... as long as she doesn't take an hour in the bathroom like my other sister. This of course is a total lie... it's bad enough that my mother has volunteered to babysit on her days off. Meaning I'll actually be taking care of the child when I'm not at school cuz mother falls asleep the minute she sits down.

At least, should she accept, my nights won't change that much... I can sleep through a smoke alarm as long as its between the hours of 10pm and 5am, so the baby crying won't disrupt my sleep schedule.

Prepared to smile and nod, while dying on the inside,




10 things a woman should never say to a man.

Some of them are obvious ones like "I hate your mom," or "Do you think she's pretty?"

The most pertinent one after this weekend is #8.

8) “Are you sure you're okay?"
(Repeatedly. Even after he’s told you he really is okay.)

Sometimes we’re thrown off guard when our guy is uncharacteristically quiet. We’ll prod and probe, hoping to get to the bottom of their issue (and too often, we're absolutely sure it’s something we’ve done). When in reality, there may not be a concrete reason at all.

Men have bad days too — they can be moody, tired, or just generally not feel like talking. They’re only human! As hard as it can be, don’t read into it too much. Give him his space and keep yourself busy until he snaps out of it.

Ask him what’s bothering him over and over again and the only honest answer will be “You.”


Here's all the juicy details.

I was complaining about how I'll end up watching my niece/nephew on the days my mom volunteered to babysit. Faith goes "Once you have your own kids you'll understand."

I proceed to obliquely say that "It will take a few feats of modern science for that to happen."

She tells me I can. I ask her if she knew why I couldn't have children. She says yes, but forces me to actually say it. So after about a minute of me going "I hate you," and "Fuck you Faith, you already know" I told her.

Torchy was right she kinda had a feeling and she took it fine. The next day she invited me out to coffee (which I don't drink) with Will her other fab friend. I told her if that this was her attempt to hook her gay friends up that I was going to kill her. If she does try to set me up with someone he better be fucking hawt.

Oh and as far as my light, I didn't break the glass I pulled the chain thing that turns the light on out of the unit, so my dad will have to fix it this weekend.

So that's it.




I kinda broke my light in my bedroom while making my bed... and I told Faith that I'm gay.

That is all.




Channel 4, the station that apparently broadcasts Skins in the UK, feels that the content of certain episodes of Skins will violate my virgin American sensibilities and won't allow Youtube to play parts of the show. F U channel 4 I've seen things that would make your wanker ears blush.

In other news, I'm feeling a bit down... I don't know what it is, could be that its just that I'm ready to get back to school and get shit rolling again. Either way my "friends" piss me the fuck off, you know why? I put this up as my facebook status "kinda depressed, kinda wanna get really fucked up," and you know who was the only person to ask me what was wrong? Ben from Gay-Mid Schooler. I've never even fucking met him and he cares more about me than people I've known for 17 fucking years.

You know what fuck'em. I put so much fucking effort into my relationships. I'm the one everyone comes crying to when they have issues but when I feel like shit none of them want to hear about it.

Classes start again on Thursday so I'll have shit to occupy my mind again, that should sort everything right back out again.




Over the last 3 days I have watched more YouTube than I really care to admit... Like I've stayed up till 2-3 am watching "my stories."

"Agnes, I've got to go my stories are on," One of my great aunts would say that when she that when she had to leave her golf rounds to see her shows.

Ok, so I've been watching Skins and all I'm going to say is that if the British accent had a corporeal form, I'd totally have sex with it. Hint, hint any takers :P?

Verbotene Liebe, or at least the parts with the Christian and Olliver, is one of my favorites. The guy on the right is Olliver (Jo Wiel) and on the left is Christian (Thore Schölermann). Both are incredibly hot and the story isn't that bad (for being a soap opera.)
The other show that I've been watching is Fisica o Quimica a show from Spain, kinda like Skins or Degrassi. I have to watch it with subtitles because even though my Spanish isn't that bad, they talk super fast and its got loads of colloquialisms.

All of the shows just magically seem to have prominent gay characters... I wonder why that might be?

Ich liebe dich!



Back in high school I used to run every other day in the off season (when i wasn't playing soccer or running track). I would run for a half hour every day which normally amounted to 3 miles, and then during the track season I would run anywhere from 4-5 miles a day.

But over the last 3 years I haven't run at all (other than a quick jog to get something quickly), I'm so out of shape it kills me.


Tonight I ran for the first time, 5 min as a warm-up and then 10 min of solid running... I forgot that I had some of those muscles, I got half way through the 10 and I wanted to die, but I'm going to run at least every other night. I need to get rid of the small pooch under my belly button, get my belt back to what it used to be, and I need at least my 4 pack to show like it does in the summer.

Tomorrow morning my legs will either feel like jello or burn, cuz no matter how much I stretch tonight those muscles haven't been used in far too long.




Ok, I like to think my self a pretty patient person. It takes a really long time for people to really set me off. But seriously, this would put my patience to the test within 5 minutes of starting.

I'm not a major klutz but with small objects this close together I would be knocking shit over left and right.

Yes I troll YouTube for interesting videos, hate me if you will :P




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