Channel 4, the station that apparently broadcasts Skins in the UK, feels that the content of certain episodes of Skins will violate my virgin American sensibilities and won't allow Youtube to play parts of the show. F U channel 4 I've seen things that would make your wanker ears blush.

In other news, I'm feeling a bit down... I don't know what it is, could be that its just that I'm ready to get back to school and get shit rolling again. Either way my "friends" piss me the fuck off, you know why? I put this up as my facebook status "kinda depressed, kinda wanna get really fucked up," and you know who was the only person to ask me what was wrong? Ben from Gay-Mid Schooler. I've never even fucking met him and he cares more about me than people I've known for 17 fucking years.

You know what fuck'em. I put so much fucking effort into my relationships. I'm the one everyone comes crying to when they have issues but when I feel like shit none of them want to hear about it.

Classes start again on Thursday so I'll have shit to occupy my mind again, that should sort everything right back out again.




Awww. :-( *Hugs*

I think I know how you feel. I'm often in the same situation. Then again, I'm decently good at faking being not down.

My classes started last Monday, and I'm already behind by like 50 pages in notes for every class. >.<

Hang in there, buddy!

*warm cheers and a hug*

Sorry your feeling down man...

Lots of love,


I hope you feel better, sunshine. :)

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