Is it weird that I love the show Cougar Town? It's about a woman who is trying to recapture her youth, by having sex with 20 year olds well one 20 y/o and he's hott, because she got pregnant right out of high school.

It's got Courtney Cox from Friends, and Cristina Miller who was Dr. Cox's wife on Scrubs. Its freaking hysterical, like I actually laugh out loud. I never actually make noise when I laugh, I do more of this soundless chuckle thing it's normal to me but my friends think its strange.

Anywho... My pops is flying to Texas tomorrow. His boss bought 3 or 4 new semis (lorries for all my British readers) and he gets to go down in the company jet and drive them back with the other guys he works with. This will probably be the only time he ever sees that jet, his boss is a bit of a miser.

She had dumps like a truck, truck, truck... Name that song.




I actually assumed it was a reality show, like "More to Love."

A friend just ran in the "Cougar Country Classic" earlier this year...

He was part of the "bait." :-P

No idea what show is that about. TV is as foreign to me as bear is to my life. I just haven't been having the time to watch TV lately. It sucks. Boo..

Hmm, I haven't heard of the show. But I wouldn't think you're weird if you like it--everyone has their cup of tea, right? If it works for you, stick with it!

The thong song! Sorry, I got really excited and had to go listen to it. I just found your blog, and I'm really enjoying it.

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