Ok, so I'm essentially over my frustration at having to get braces again.

Now my dad and I just need to go in and talk with my dentist/orthodontist about what exactly has to be done.

I think the reason I was most upset about the whole thing is because the first time I had braces, I saw that my front teeth weren't exactly in line like they were supposed to be, and I told my other (I don't go to him any more) ortho that it wasn't right. He said that in the long run, the amount they were off wouldn't have any negative effects. Well, he was wrong. I need to have my crossbite fixed more than what he did and that I basically have an underbite and that needs to get pulled forward.

So in all, it's gonna be at least two more years of pain and most likely no boyfriend either (braces can make things awkward if you know what I mean).

In other news, I went on Travelocity to check prices for flights to Texas so I can visit Eric, they're looking to be about $350 round trip from Friday to Sunday. SO, what I'm thinking of doing is going down for like 2 weeks over Christmas break.

AND ITS MY 21ST BIRTHDAY IN 10 DAYS!!! I'll legally be able to drink in every country that I know of. Now don't go thinking I'm a lush or anything, I don't even plan on getting smashed on the day of my birthday. I'm not like most of the people in Wisconsin who start drinking freshman year of high school and by the time they're a senior they need a liver transplant.

Well, that's it for tonight. I should really go do some reading now, I'm pleasantly surprised, I have considerably less reading to do this year than I have in the past.

And so good night sweet princes, more from me tomorrow most likely.




My sister had all sorts of problems with wisdom teeth (so called) in her late teens and early twenties. I mean the last teeth at the back which come through once your mouth is big enough.

Dentists (who get more pay the more they do, of course) love to muck about with wisdom teeth, saying they're this or that and then charging to fix it!

So good luck - but you be sure you want what they want to do to you - don't let them browbeat you into anything!

sorry to hear about the braces Drew. i guess you've gone beyond the stage where they're considered to be a 'must-have'. never saw it myself, and luckily never needed them either.

take care

Rock on, Fall birthday!

And @Micky: My dentist immediately recommended that I pull my wisdom teeth as soon as I got set up in his office. Was referred to a surgeon, got it done in an hour, and it wasn't very expensive at all. Took a couple of pain pills, and was feeling fine in a day or so!

Tough luck with the braces thing, never had´em and never have kissed someone who has them, but sounds like they can get in the way of some more *ahem* mind blowing situations. Hey Happy birthday in case I forget to say it on Sunday, wish you the very best this year, I had my birthday last wednesday, if I were to know we would´ve gone partying together :)

Also take care and drink responsively, don´t mean to sound like an old fart but I wouldn´t like anything happening to you, so just be careful.

All the love

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