
Sometimes I'm too nice for my own good. One of the guys at work needed Sunday off cuz Saturday is his anniversary and Monday is his wifes birthday. So to save him from the holy hell of a pissed off pregnant woman, I said I would work for him. Nice of me but incredibly stupid of me... Sunday was supposed to consist of 2 jobs both of which were pretty small, now it has 3 jobs one of which will take at least 3 hours to do.

Last time I said I would work for someone I ended up sliding 23 feet down the top of a tent, flying 6 feet out from the side of the tent and almost impaling myself on a stake. I swear I'm just a glutton for punishment.

Classes are going well so far, and this coming week all of my language classes begin. So I'll work from 7am to 4pm and then go to class from 5:30 to 8ish on Tuesday and Wednesday. No incredibly cute guys in my classes so far but I have high hopes for my night classes and there are loads of hunks walking the halls during the day so I'm pretty happy there.

Well thats all I've got for right now,




Ok, I know I've been absolute shit at doing this, and I'm not going to make any excuses as to why I haven't been posting. Cuz lets face it we all know that when someone says they've been "extremely busy" it just means they've been too lazy or too busy wanking it to take the time to post something.

Sadly both of those reasons are probably true in my case. It also comes down to me not thinking I have anything interesting to say, even though I know anyone who still reads this blog would be happy with a simple update. Starting now, as a 22nd birthday resolution, I'm going to try and post something at least once a week even if its just a "hey this week sucked at work" post.

Ok, so whats happened since my last post... well at work I've moved into the office since both of the girls that were in there quit. This is good because I can have a full time job while going to school, which means I might be able to save up enough money to get my own apartment. Speaking of school, its started again which I'm quite happy about. I have 3 night classes and 2 day ones, so I'm in class all day Monday and I can all day the rest of the week.

In July, I flew to Texas for my friends birthday and I'm definitely thinking that I'll need to make that a biannual event. In June, my cousin got married and all but 3 of our extended family was at the wedding. It was a ton of fun seeing most of my cousins and hanging out with them, the only problem with the wedding was the dj was absolute shit, so we ended up going back to the hotel at like 11. In August, I worked and thats about it. Septembers barely started, so who knows whats going to happen, but tomorrows my birthday and I'm definitely thinking that a tattoo is in order for my gift to myself.

Thats about all I have at the moment so...

Love and loads of hugs,


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