
I'm 21 years old and I might as well just shave my head cuz where my cowlicks theres very little hair left... SO long story short I might be bald by the end of the week. I blame my mother cuz the bald gene is a X chromosome.

I start work tomorrow, yay... not. Get ready for posts with me bitching about how stupid people are!!!


Only a week left of school!!!

Oh I forgot to mention that I had to take my piercings out... I couldn't figure out a way to do my job and keep them in at the same time... so I decided that rather than having them rip out and make me scream like a little girl the first time I pick something super heavy up, I'd take them out and let them heal. I need to find a new way to be uniquely bizarre...

I've decided that in July I'm going to go to Texas and visit Eric for his 21st birthday (I've talked about him in a previous post or two). I haven't seen him in like a year and a half and I've missed him like crazy. He's one of the few people who fully understands that nine times out of ten when I say something it's meant as sarcasm cuz he's the same way.

Oh for anyone who hasn't checked out Torchy's blog he got himself a fondle and we should all be crazy happy for him! Go congratulate him!



PS: thanks to Sethy's surprisingly disturbing and disgusting comment I feel the need to state that there is no strange infection and there will be no gangrenous migration to any other part of my body.

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